Mocha ae
Mocha ae

I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do. Mocha AE will only track the layer it is on, but you can apply Mocha to any layer, even if it is a nested comp. You can create masks from any Mocha Layer and copy them and paste them to other paths or create motion paths from them, or you can link to them with expressions. You can export the tracking data in 3 different formats from Mocha AE to any other layer. Each layer can track any surface inside the spline. Each layer can have as many splines as you need. Mocha can have as many layers as you like. You can also get to those tutorials right from the Mocha/Help/Tutorials menu.

mocha ae mocha ae

If you are going to spend any time at all with Mocha AE you need to visit the Boris FX Tutorials Mocha Tutorials page and learn about the tool.

Mocha ae